Prevention Presentations

Help students understand the facts and dangers of binge drinking and alcohol overdosing which could result in alcohol poisoning.

Anger ManagementAnger Image
How to calm yourself down and take control of your anger.

Building Image  Building Assets
What kids need to succeed. The 40 building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring and responsible.

BullyingBully Image
Help students understand the components of bullying, including bullies, victims and bystanders as well as how to deal with bullying behavior.

Children Image  Children of Substance Abuse
An understanding of issues associated with having an addicted parent and strategies to help youth cope.

Club DrugsClub Drugs Image
Information about the risk associated with drugs commonly used at teen parties and clubs.

Communications ImageCommunication
How to communicate effectively with others.

Conflict ResolutionConflict Resolution Image
How to effectively resolve conflicts without put downs or violence.

Coping Skills ImageCoping Skills
How to cope with situations by learning to accept what you can’t change and change what you can.

Decision Making  Decision Image
How to make good choices by looking at your needs, consequences and how others will be affected.

Goal Setting ImageGoal Setting
How to set and reach long and short term goals.

Green CircleGreen Image
Awareness, appreciation, acceptance and respect of human differences.

Marijuana ImageMarijuana
Discuss the risks associated with marijuana use and dispel the myth that it is a safe drug.

Media LiteracyMedia Image
Tricks the media uses to persuade people to buy their products/critical thinking skills. How media impacts behavior, including violence, substance abuse, sexuality.

Natural Image  Natural Highs
Positive, healthy things to do instead of drugs.

Refusal Skills    Refusal Image
Peer pressure; how to say no and keep your friends.

Respect Image  Respect
The importance of showing respect for self, others and the environment.

Risk Factors Risk Factors Image
Confronting myths with research. Identify perceptions of risk in relation to incidence of use.

Self Esteem ImageSelf Esteem
Personal uniqueness, positive self-talk, being proud of who you are, building assets.

Stress Management  Stress Image
Techniques to positively deal with stress.

Pregnancy Image  Substance Abuse Pregnancy
Effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use during pregnancy.

True Colors  True Colors Image
Identify personality style of yourself and others. Identifies learning style, teaching style and helps to identify behaviors and how to relate to others.

Uppers, Downers, All AroundersUpDown Image
How drugs work in the body and why they can be so destructive. Specific information on legal, illegal and prescription substance use.

Wellness Wheel Image  Wellness Wheel
A Native American concept that helps us keep well rounded and healthy.